Sunny Wexford
So its Sunday evening and im back home, actually in bed, and on my laptop. That’s the joys of working for yourself really. No matter what time of day or night it is the laptop and phone is never far from me. Its become just part of my routine and honestly I wouldn’t change it. The only thing is though, you have to be strict enough with yourself and know when to take the break.
We’re just back from Wexford having had my first Trunk Show ever at the gorgeous Something Blue Studio. Myself and Jeannette have been voice noting for the past few months and this concept between us came to life in a matter of weeks. We just decided-lets do it!
My passion has always and will always be to push the boundaries, work harder, explore more and at the core of that is that completely personal service to each bride. I want to make the coolest bridal wear accessible to every bride out there. The only way to do that is keep going outside the box and going above and beyond.
It was a whirlwind wk end – on Friday morning after a couple of studio appointments a quick change I headed off to the Network Ireland Dublin Awards – I was nominated in the Creative Category and although we weren’t successful (yet!) it was a lovely day. So many incredible speakers and stories.
Immediately after the lunch I was back in the car in all the glam and driving to Wexford with the car packed to the brim to get ready for the Trunk Show the following morning. We started at 9am so the set up had to be Friday night. When I got there and met Jeanette it was like meeting an old friend ive known for years. We were straight in there with the prosecco and the chats ! Its so good to chat to other people in business. Talking about the highs and lows really helps because honestly sometimes you think you’re going insane. So its always nice to hear that someone else faces the same struggles – naturally we don’t wish struggles for anyones business but its life and nothings guaranteed and nothings perfect. You just have to give each bit of your business your passion and honestly and the rest should take care of itself.
Saturday was amazing. Ill literally never tire of getting to that moment when the bride just FEELS it. She knows the outfit on her is special and she doesn’t wanna take it off. Sharing that moment with brides is so heart-warming. Every bride that I meet has her own story, her own struggles and ive no idea what she has been through that morning before coming for her appointment. But that moment when she feels confident in her look those troubles melt away for a few mins and its magical.
Personally it was so lovely to get to another part of the country and meet local brides that I may have never had the chance to meet so im really grateful for that.
Ger got the train down to meet me and we stayed again on Saturday evening. We had a delish thai dinner and then sat in Sky in the Ground in Wexford town listening to the coolest playlist. Not the wildest of nights but it was perfect. We don’t get to go out often so it was so good to sit and chat.
Tomorrow im working on getting better morning routine and eating better. I eat quite clean but I don’t eat enough or regularly enough so making a promise to myself to change that and get rid of the 4kg ive put on in recent weeks – ive also been having ice cream in my coffee so im not exactly surprised.
Dress im wearing is from Dunnes Stores - picked up on Thursday 19th May for 15euro!
Chat soon!